Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Do Fish Feel Pain?

Do fish feel pain? This topic has been debated by scholars for decades. Some people believe that fish are incapable of experiencing pain, while others believe that they are indeed capable. Some people believe they do not have very complex nervous systems and therefore do not feel pain to the extent that we do or perhaps even not at all. However, this idea is not completely accurate.  There has been some research that indicates that fish have the same kinds of specialized nerve fibers that mammals and birds use to identify tissue damage and thus pain. From all the information I have gathered I personally believe that fish can feel pain. Experiments show that fish respond when they are hurt, and pain relievers cause there behavior to change drastically. I would like to state that I am not against fishing what so ever, I realize that fish are an essential part to modern day civilization. What I do think, however, is that fish should be treated in a more humane manner.  For instance there have been fortifications put in place in order to protect birds and mammals, that do not include fish.  I believe this is largely due to the identity fish have. They are viewed differently than animals like cows, and chickens. In my opinion this doesn't make any sense, they are no less an animal and therefore deserve to be treated accordingly.


1) http://www.biologynews.net/archives/2010/11/17/researcher_explores_whether_fish_feel_pain.html<script 
2) http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/V/vertebrate_nervous_system.html
3) http://www.bishops.k12.nf.ca/wells/vfish/projects/nervous/SENSES.html

1 comment:

  1. Great post Austin! This post kind of correlates with my cat post, as both of them seemed like studies that should have been done before. It is amazing how little we know about these seemingly simple things. I wonder if there are any animals who don't feel pain?
