Thursday, October 14, 2010


Streptococcus is a member of the lactic acid group, and is very common in humans. Group A streptococcus otherwise known as (GAS), can cause different diseases, the most widely known being strep throat. Strep throat is caused when the bacteria enters your nose and makes its way down to your throat. The symptoms include: sore throat, swollen tonsils, nausea, and possibly even yellowish-white spots on the back of your throat. The bacteria may also travel from your nose to an infected wound or sore on your skin, which can cause necrotizing fasciitis more commonly known as the flesh eating disorder. Which does literally what the name implies, eats away at your flesh. However this is very rare.

Group B streptococcus known as (GBS), can be found in the urogenital tracts and rectums of pregnant women. This can be transmitted to the child during birth, which can cause meningitis, which could cause the child to lose his hearing or possible even his life.  The symptoms of neonatal meningitis are vomiting and fever, both common in young children. Therefore the symptoms can easily be overlooked and if untreated will result in death. Group B streptococcus can also cause pneumonia. Pneumonia causes inflammation of the lungs, and causes them to fill with liquid. Symptoms include coughing, chest pains, fever, and difficulty in breathing.

Although streptococcus causes all of these bad things, there are some streptococcal species that are non-pathogenic. Streptococci can be found in Swiss cheese, as well as in our own body. It is a part of our mouth, skin, upper respiratory tract, and intestines. 


  1. Good post Austin. I find it really interesting that there can be so many types of streptococci. The nly thing I'm curious about is where did you find all of this information? Also, do streptococci have any pili or flagella?

  2. Austin, I really liked your post. I never knew that streptococcus caused diseases other than strep throat, and I thought it was very interesting that some streptococcus are non-pathogenic. I was wondering, what is the structure of streptococcus like?

  3. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

    You can access info online @

  4. Matt, steptococcus is a genus of bacteria so it itself wouldn't have a flagella or pili. However individual species of streptococcus can have pili or a flagella as wel as other organelles..
